Saturday, September 6, 2008

This Blog is Not Just to Make Money!

I have gotten a rejection on this blog from BlogExplosion.........can you imagine that? They say this blog is strictly for making nice of them to decide what I'm writing this blog for. I do hope that later, when it takes off, they will see, how wrong they were to judge, my blog. Get real, all the blogs are about making some sort of finances, whether it be with ads by google, or etc. I haven't visited very many blogs that are not making some kind of money. If they will go back a post or two, they will see that this blog, has listings of my own writing. I started this blog to take the place of my oldest blog. The poor thing is about to bite the dust and the template is almost gone. Somehow, I moved the wrong thing or put in the wrong thing. I'm not smart on templates and don't understand how to fix it.

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