Monday, September 8, 2008

Is this Folk Art?

048.JPG I wonder if this is folk art, I found it when I was looking for valentine pictures back in February. It looked like the perfect picture to show a person’s affection for another. I hope that this is a great form of art, since I’m placing it in my Arts & Humanities group. I’ve often wondered about the early 1900’s or the 1800’s, when things were so different. 047.JPG Not many had plenty of money and nice clothes. If they didn’t have their own seamstress, then they had to buy their clothes from a catalog. Those times were just the beginning of our world as we see it now. I think at times, we should be living back during those era’s, when things weren’t so bad. 046.JPG I know things were crude back then, but they were more simple as well.

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