Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DTV Delaying?

Earl Mostoles, right, helps Arlene Sato set up her digital receiver ...
This man helps Arlene Sato set up her digital receiver for her old analog television in Honolulu, HI. It is the first in the nation to make the switch to digital TV from the old analog system.
"Delaying the upcoming DTV switch is the right thing to do," said Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va. "Our nation is not yet ready to make this transition at this time." Obama earlier this month called for the transition date to be postponed after the Commerce Department hit a $1.34 billion funding limit for government coupons that consumers may use to help pay for the converter boxes. They are now sending out new coupons only as older, unredeemed ones expire and free up more money. I bought mine back when the coupons were first issued and when the time is right, I will set them up.

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