Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fire Captain......

It takes a special individual want a life as a fireman.  Whether it’s a handling forest fires, city or urban fires, these people experience life threatening situations.  A good leader is needed in each fire unit, and this leader in turn can interact with other fire unit supervisor’s, during a large effort.

The supervisor’s of fire unit’s have gone through extensive training, in the field of fire service administration.  A certain amount of education has already been established, when they move forward in the ranks.  To enhance this education it is best to further their education and obtain a  Bachelor of arts in fire service  administration degree.  Having the knowledge to manage and form control efforts in any given situation is the job of a fire unit’s Captain.  He is responsible for the leadership of his unit, along with the training of his fire personnel.  Getting  a good stable educational training, is essential to be the type of leader your personnel respects and follows willingly.

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